Open hand with blue hue on black background

Each week we receive an offering in church that supports our community ministries, our weekly operating costs, our commitment to overseas giving, and to helping those in need. Your giving goes a long way.

How to give.

There are several ways you can give financially:

  • In Person

    In person through the collection on Sunday mornings.

  • Online Payment

    Internet bank transfer or automatic payment to:

    › RCC Bank Account:  010819–0036589–00 

    › Reference: Your Name

  • Push Pay

    Online by credit or debit card using Push Pay

If you would like to receive giving donation receipts please include your name as a reference on any bank transfer, cash contributions or Push Pay transactions. Donations to RCC are eligible for tax donation rebates.

Vision Impact Giving

Vision Impact Giving (VIG) is our ‘over and above’ regular giving for special projects. Each year we prayerfully select two to three projects that make a difference in people’s lives and contribute to our church vision moving forward.  Over the years many exciting and life changing projects have been supported both in New Zealand and throughout the world. Over the last 17 years more than $1.5 million has been raised through VIG.

How VIG Works

Around late January each year we share the VIG projects we are seeking to support. We encourage people to give what they can, whether it’s $20 or $20,000. Giving closes at the end of the financial year on 31 March.

Payments will be administered by RCC’s Treasurer and can be transferred to:

› RCC Bank Account: 010819–0036589–00 
› Reference: Your Name VIG

If you have any questions please ask Phil Stedman, RCC's Treasurer Mark Styles or any Trustee.

VIG projects for 2025

  • Training Next Generation Leaders in Africa

    We have the opportunity to grow the church in Africa through our long-term relationship with Antony & Miriam Njoroge, now directors of Bridge Network Africa, who are developing and supporting pastors throughout the African Continent. This VIG project will provide seed funding to enable training and development of a special cohort targeting Kenyan Church leaders under 35 years old who will be the senior leaders of the future.

  • Next Generation CDN Trust Community Youth Worker

    We have the opportunity to expand the outreach of CDN, our community youth agency, in Christchurch by providing seed funding for a new Community Youth Worker. This role will increase CDN’s presence in the community, their capacity to run more events and camps, and will enable the development of the next generation of senior leadership.

  • Upgrading Auditorium Entrance

    We have the opportunity to enhance how people experience being at RCC by improving our physical buildings. An upgrade to our RCC auditorium entrance would improve people flow and welcome.